Jan 16Liked by Nikhil's Chess Newsletter

Spain is anything but safe, and Sitges probably takes the cake! Robberies have been happening from the time I've been following the tournament and one has happened in front of my eyes at the reception of the official hotel. The cooperation from organizers and the police is well, nonexistent. CCTV footage is not made available and you've to basically 'forget' the theft. Haven't heard of anyone recovering their stolen property in Spain.

This time, I was appalled to see the organizer shift the blame back on the carelessness of those who had been wronged in the first place. While they were 'understanding' about an elite player leaving the tournament midway (even if it meant an unnecessary walkover to his opponent) after his Candidate dreams had evaporated, they were not just ignorant about the players and federation which gives them the most players year after year but they lied point blank saying that such an incident has never happened in the tournament's history; when in fact something or the other happens every year there. Since Indian chess players won't ever tire of their Spain obsession, such incidents seem to have an assured future...

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With all the recent incidenets, I think atleast 30-40% participation from Indian players will be reduced atleast for the next few years.

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Jan 17Liked by Nikhil's Chess Newsletter

I doubt...

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